Leg Cramping in Pregnancy and How Pregnancy Massage Can Help

Many women begin to experience leg cramping in pregnancy during the second and third trimesters. A specific reason for this remains unclear, however, it can mostly be attributed to the increased weight from the growing baby, changes in circulation due to the pregnancy and the calcium and phosphorus mechanism in the body.

Increased Weight and Leg Cramping

As the baby grows and gains weight there is extra stress on the muscles in a mother’s body. They can become more tense or contracted. Our muscles are designed to stretch and contract as we move about. They are a bit like rubber bands, as you stretch them the tension increases and we feel resistence and when you let the tension go the rubber band contracts back to it’s normal state. With an increase in weight the muscles in the legs are put under more stress. They can then become tight and even while you are trying to rest there is an increased state of muscle contraction. If the muscles become overly contacted you can feel the cramps during any kind of activity or you can feel the cramping once you’re sitting or lying down and trying to rest. Gentle leg exercises prior to going to bed can help reduce cramping that occurs at night time.

Changes in Circulation and Leg Cramping

A growing baby can also interfere with the circulation of blood in the legs especially if there is weakness in the pelvis and lower back. The fetus compresses the pelvic veins and affects the venous return to the legs. Standing for long periods of time without regular movement can aggravate the cramping. Gentle movement and exercise are important to help the flow of blood through the legs and prevent cramping.

Calcium and Phospherous Mechanism Causing Cramping in Pregnancy

Calcium and phosperous are important minerals your body needs to be healthy. Together these minerals help build strong bones and teeth. They also play a role in how the cells and nerves function. The parathyroid hormone regulates the levels of calcium and phospherous in your blood. If either of these minerals are out of balance it can affect how the nerves in the muscles function. Keeping good levels of calcium and phospherous in pregnancy is important not only for your long term health but also that of your growing baby. Eating foods rich in magnesium, salt and vitmain C and taking vitamin D can help the calcium and phospherous mechanism in your body.

Getting Rid of Leg Cramping in Pregnancy

The best things you can do to ease leg cramping in pregnancy are:

  • exercise regularly ensuring there is good blood and energetic flow to the legs and to stretch the legs after exercise. However, where possible avoid plantarflexing the feet. It is a natural response stretch during sleep and upon awakening but can bring on cramps.

  • Eat foods rich in magnesium, salt and vitamin C to ensure you have proper levels of these minerals in your body.

  • Take a pregnancy multivitamin that contains vitamin D

  • Regular bodywork such as Pregnancy Shiatsu Massage. Massage can help support all the muscles, lymph, blood and energy of the legs making sure it is flowing easily. During a massage the legs can be stretched and elevated which supports venous return. Specific acupressure points can be used to relieve cramps. A pregnancy shiatsu massage is given whilst the mother is lying on her side on a futon on the floor. She is supported by cushions so that she can completely relax. This releases stress and tension and takes the weight of the baby out of the pelvis and off the sacrum. The whole body can effectively be massaged in this position with the mother remaining completely comfortable and feeling nurtured.

To book a Shiatsu Massage to help get rid of leg cramping in pregnancy go to the Bookings and Contact page or contact me (Marian) on 0403550695.