What is Shiatsu Massage?

Shiatsu massage is a therapeutic form of acupressure, muscle meridian stretching and corrective exercises designed to restore the balance of energy in your body.

It is a Japanese body therapy and founded on the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine theory that energy moves through channels within the body, known as meridians. Shiatsu practitioners aim to restore the balance of energy through meridians in order to promote health and strengthen the body’s healing abilities.

Shiatsu is a dynamic body therapy in which the therapist interacts with the receiver to restore balance in the energy system. Imbalance, that is, too little or too much chi, can manifest in various ailments, depending on which meridians are affected.

Like most natural therapies, shiatsu massage is based on the assumption that the body is a self-healing organism, and that the role of the therapist is to aid and support that naturally occurring process. Shiatsu can assist an individual with their self-development and self-healing; balancing the underlying causes of a condition and address physical and psychological functions; promoting health and strengthening the body’s own healing abilities.

Although the word shiatsu means ‘finger pressure’, in practice, the thumbs, palms, elbows, knees and feet are used to apply pressure to various parts of the body. Pressure can be gentle or firm, depending on the condition being treated.

Treatment may also include:

  • the use of flowing stretches and gentle rotations of the limbs and joints, simple structural alignments and muscle release techniques to release blocked energy.

  • rubbing or gentle shaking to improve energy flow (Sotai)

  • heat therapy to nourish energy and blood (Moxa), and

  • cupping to release tension, ease pain and detox the body.

On a physical level this has the effect of stimulating circulation and the flow of lymphatic fluid. It also works on the autonomic nervous system; helps to release toxins and deep-seated tension from the muscles, and can also stimulate the hormonal system. On a subtler level shiatsu massage allows the receiver to deeply relax, stimulating the body’s inherent ability for self healing and regeneration.

On an emotional level shiatsu helps to balance mood alleviating feelings of frustration and irritability, calm the spirit softening and easing anxiety and lifting the energy to move a person out of depression.

The person receiving shiatsu remains clothed, and is covered by a sheet or blanket and treatment usually takes place on a futon on the floor.

The effectiveness of shiatsu in maintaining balance may be supported with recommendations regarding diet, yoga, Qi Gong, meditation and exercise as part of an overall treatment strategy.

What Happens in A Shiatsu Massage?

A shiatsu session is about 50 minutes of hands-on bodywork, plus the time before and after for diagnosis and discussion. The treatment can take place on a futon, on a treatment table or on a chair, depending on the needs of the client. Food should not be consumed close to treatment time. In cold winter weather wear appropriate outdoor clothes to keep warm after the session.

What do I wear for a Shiatsu Massage?

Wear loose comfortable clothing including socks, preferably of natural fibres, as shiatsu will often involve a number of flowing stretches and gentle rotations. Denim or clothes that are restrictive can inhibit the treatment and therefore effectiveness of the shiatsu.

Can Shiatsu Cause Side Effects?

After a Shiatsu Massage you will probably feel invigorated yet relaxed. There may be some temporary 'healing reactions' as toxins and emotions are released, although most people generally experience a sense of increased wellbeing. Drink plenty of water to help facilitate the change and avoid headaches from the release of toxins. Some muscle soreness may be felt for 24-48 hours post treatment. This is due to tension in the muscles being released. An epsom/mineral salts bath or twice daily hot showers can help alleviate the feeling of soreness.

If cupping is included in a treatment there may be some bruising. The bruising is because the cups release the Qi and Blood that has been stuck in the muscles causing tension. The bruising will fade the same as a normal bruise. Applying Arnica Cream may help this process.

What Is Shiatsu Massage Good For?

  • relaxation;

  • headache;

  • tight muscles;

  • sore back and neck pain;

  • digestive problems;

  • immune support;

  • fatigue;

  • stress and anxiety;

  • asthma and breathing problems;

  • emotional overwhelm and depression;

  • insomnia and sleep problems;

  • menstruation problems eg irregular, heavy or painful periods;

  • pregnancy and birth preparation/induction;

  • postnatal support;

  • perimenopause, menopause and postmenopause;

  • hot flushes and night sweats;

  • menopause weight gain;

If you are ready to book in or have more questions, please get in touch!

You can contact us here, or book in here.