Make The Unconcious Concious With Kinesiology

Last week I had the pleasure of a Kinesiology session with Charlotte Terray from Calm State Kinesiology.

I have had kinesiology in the past but it has always been part of another therapuetic modality. It was wonderful to experience a pure kinesiology session. Especially as there is such a strong link with Shiatsu through the use of the energy system and acupressure points.

Charlotte has a lovely space and an open, accepting and compassionate manner. I definitely felt safe with her. The dull headache I’d had for several days melted away and the tension and intensity I was feeling around an emotional issue began to ease.

The following is Charlotte’s explanation of Kinesiology.

Kinesiology uses muscle reflex testing to establish and clear imbalances that may be held within your body. By using the bio-feedback process we can bypass the mind and access the subconscious mind where all of our beliefs, patterns and stories are stored. These findings often relate to, or reveal symptoms you may have been experiencing emotionally, physically, mentally or physically.

We then work with a range of non-invasive scientific concepts and methods to bring your body into balance allowing your body the best environment to heal. These include working with Chinese medicine meridians lines and acupressure points.

Kinesiology was founded in the 1960s by Dr. George Goodheart. He discovered through his work as a Chiropractor that muscle testing could be used to gather information from the body. Further to that often a physical ailment or symptom has an emotional link and that by addressing this you could see huge improvement in patients overall wellbeing.

'Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate' 

Kinesiology is practised in a number of ways. You may come to Kinesiology with a specific reason ie. sleep issues, allergies, phobias, emotional stress etc. But many clients also come as part of their regular self care, assisting their body to function optimally in the face of daily stresses and to heal and integrate better. This also builds the mind-body connection for clients to be able to notice when they are out of alignment be it emotionally, physically or mentally.

It is important to note that Kinesiologists do not treat, diagnose or prescribe, our aim is to help an individual by balancing their body to create the right environment for the body to heal itself.

If you would like to try Kinesiology I highly recommend Charlotte annd Calm State Kinesiology.