Experience More Joy This Christmas

Is it just me or do you also feel as though the year is quickly coming to an end?

As we move through Spring towards Summer we internally begin to feel the dynamic yang energy that is available. We express it externally with more outdoor activities and social engagements and as we move towards Christmas, New Year and holidays our calendars become increasingly busy.

If you can keep up with the pace this is a natural flow of energy into the Fire element which is the most yang of the elements and the domain of the summer months and Christmas.

Fire is about:

  • expression,

  • celebration,

  • brightness

  • heat, and

  • feelings of joy, warmth and passion.

As we come together during the festive and holiday season with our friends and family we can experience more laughter and an inner feeling of wellbeing. If our fire element is balanced these occasions may even create a feeling of our spirit quite literally jumping for joy.

Fire is often associated with the hearth – the places where we gather, cook and share food. The kitchen is often referred to as the heart of the home and it is the heart that is the main organ associated with the fire element.

Sharing food is a big part of celebrations and at this time of year there is more abundance of red coloured foods. Make sure you take advantage of strawberries, raspberries, watermelon, cherries, home grown tomatoes etc to help nourish your fire element.

At Christmas as you write your cards and exchange gifts know that this is one way to express and communicate the feelings of your heart. Other more subtle ways are through hugs, handshakes, kisses and pats. The moments where there is connection through touch.

For me this is the true gift of Christmas. Despite all the rush and all the activities it is an opportunity to appreciate the people who are dear to you. To be present with them in the moment and express heart felt feelings. It’s a celebration of the fact that we can come together, laugh, be merry and nourish ourselves with wonderous food.

What are you going to do for fun in 2023?

It can be tricky during the heightened socialness of the “silly” season and summer to maintain healthy behaviours. The extra few glasses of wine, chips, cake (not to mention all the other yummy treats), all drunk and eaten in the name of fun can lead us into imbalance.

In Chinese Medicine theory maintaining homeostasis is the job of the Triple Heater meridian – part of the fire/summer element. Obviously there is no physical organ with this name. It is more of an energetic process that makes sure food and air are received, transformed, distributed around the body and that what is not needed is eliminated. Triple Heater is often referred to as the burning spaces – chest, belly and lower abdomen – three ‘chambers’ that interconnect with and support each other.

When the chambers are balanced we are more likely to have optimal physiological health. Similarly, when we are social and experience positive touch we are more likely to feel connected and supported optimising our psychological health.

As you journey through Christmas and 2023 there will not only be food and drink that puts you out of balance but also weather conditions, stress, life changes, transitions and unexpected events. What will you do to bring yourself back to balance?

One of the easiest things you can do is to have FUN! Tap into your playful energy.

  • Turn on your favourite 80s music and sing out loud.

  • Have a 15 minute boogey around your lounge room.

  • Play a board game.

  • Call a friend for a really good natter.

  • Watch a comedy.

  • Go to the park and get on the swing.

  • Spend time with children and let them lead the play.

  • Draw, craft, bake, create.

  • Jump on the trampoline.

Fun activities don’t have to be expensive but they should be playful.

As adults we become so serious about life. Children easily frolic and play and laugh just for the fun of it.

Do you chuckle when there are moments of unexpected delight? Do you let a bubble of joy burst from your heart? If not, then you need to practice laughing more:

  • Laughter dilates the blood vessels and increases blood flow improving circulation.

  • Laughter relieves pain as it help produce happy chemicals.

  • Laughter relieves tension and induces relaxation.

If you’re feeling stressed or anxious and struggling to feel the joy the summer season can bring it might be time for a little more self-compassion and relaxation. It’s better to be honest about where you’re at than fall into the trap of toxic positivity.

Shiatsu massage is a wonderful therapy that can help reconnect and rejuvenate you physically, mentally and emotionally. The shiatsu stretches promote the movement of energy through the triple heater and can help bring more energy to the heart so you can find your laughter and joy.

If you’re ready to book in for a Shiatsu Massage please use our online booking calendar. If you have any questions please get in touch via our contact page.