How Can I Stop My Insomnia

Getting a good nights sleep is super important for your health and wellbeing. If you’ve ever had a crap night of sleep you’ll know why. Poor sleep makes it harder to make good decisions, causes memory problems, leaves you feeling more emotional (easily upset or irritated over small things) and sets you up for a day of fatigue. In general you can feel pretty sorry for yourself and are just hanging out for when you can next get back into bed or close your eyes for a nap.

At the time of writing I have a 12 week old baby and a toddler so my sleep is quite disturbed and I’m experiencing all of the above. Two children that wake throughout the night contributes significantly to my poor sleep and I would now say I am experiencing sleep deprivation. Other temporary causes of poor sleep or sleep deprivation can be illness, stress, alcohol, caffeine and sugar to late in the day.

So when does poor sleep become insomnia? Sleep health experts say you have insomnia when:

  • You wake up several times a night

  • You find it difficult to get to sleep

  • You find it difficult to nap during the day

  • You lie awake at night

They also generally go with the 3-3-3 rule. That is if you’ve been struggling to sleep for over 30 minutes more than three times a week for more than three months, then it’s probably insomnia rather than another sleep problem.

What Causes Insomnia?

From a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) point of view insomnia shows an imbalance in the Yin and the Yang of the body. Yin and Yang contribute to our daily rhythms. Yang qi is most dominate during the day as it provides you with the heat you need to be active. Yin qi is more active during the night as it is cooling and calming helping you to rest and sleep. If the Yin energy is depleted it is much harder to relax and drop into a deep sleep. In western term your nervous system has gone on alert and is ready to take action.

Insomnia is also seen as an issue of the spirit. Internal disharmonies that arise from poor dietary habits, excessive exercise, overstimulation of the brain, undigested emotions, prolonged illness and old age can cause the spirit to become restless and create sleep problems.

According to TCM, difficulty falling asleep means the body has accumulated too much heat; restless sleep or waking several times a night means the body has a combination of the qi not flowing freely and a depletion of qi and/or blood; difficulty falling back to sleep and lying awake at night are a sign of deficiency usually either in the spleen or heart.

When my clients present with issues around getting enough sleep I don’t just focus on this issue I ask questions about what is happening in their life, their physical and psychological health. This helps me determine what is happening with their qi, their blood and their spirit. Insomnia may be the symptom that they’re noticing but often there are other things going on that are affecting their whole being.

When there are also things like abdominal distension, gastric discomfort, belching and lack of appetite, the insomnia is usually due to spleen disorders. Heart disorders may also appear with symptoms such as dream-disturbed sleep, dizziness, headache and forgetfulness; irritability and sighing or a feeling of being stuck are associated with qi stagnation.

How Can I Stop My Insomnia

What you can do to stop your insomnia really depends on its cause and it is well worth speaking to a health professional about it. Sleep is a habit so some times a week of sleep medication prescribed by a GP can get you back on track so that you can start looking what is going on in life with less tired eyes.

Start with taking a look at your evening. What are you eating and drinking? It is best to have a lighter meal 2-3 hours before bed. Rich, heavy meals, spicey foods, caffinated beverages, alcohol and sugar tend to heat the body activating your yang qi. What are you watching? Are programs or games stimulating you rather than calming you down. What is the lighting like in your home? Is it bright or are the lights dimmer helping your body know it is night time. Are you using phones and computers right up until you get into bed? The blue light of these stimulates the brain. Is there an emotional issue or a build up of issues in your life that you’re not dealing with? Journalling at the end of the day can help release pent up emotions. You can say what you want on paper without fear of retribution. Are you drinking enough water during the day? For myself I have noticed a clear link between dehydration and poor sleep. I now make sure I drink at least 8 glasses a day to be certain of a good nights sleep.

If you want to approach insomnia naturally there are chinese medicine sleep remedies plus western herbal remedies and teas available at health food stores that might assist you. If they don’t work don’t be dismayed. There is likely a deeper issue that needs to be addressed in order to improve your sleep and you probably need to book an appointment with a health professional. Chiropractors, acupuncturists and naturopaths can be beneficial.

As can Shiatsu Therapists. Shiatsu is wonderful to help calm the nervous system. The hands on work is very nourishing to the spleen and heart and helps to ensure the energy of the body flows freely. A Shiatsu therapist can also assist you with diet and adjusting lifestyle habits to help improve sleep. You also get the opportunity to talk about what is happening in life in a safe space.

Other things you can do to help your insomnia include:

  • Soaking feet in warm water for about 20 minutes before bedtime

  • Breathing exercises or meditation or yoga nidra

  • Listening to soothing music, and

  • Avoiding using electronic devices at least half an hour before bedtime

Sleep is essential to good health and wellbeing so make sure yours is good quality.